
Courthouse Facility Dogs in Europe



La police de Schaerbeek de Bruxelles Nord

Switch – Trained by Mira in Canada

Switch,premier chien policer de soutien émotionnel de Belgique

Un chien pour aider les enfants vulnerables



Canterbury Christ Church University

Oliver – Trained by Duo in the United States

Meet Oliver, Europe’s first ‘Justice Dog’

Justice Support Dogs International



Chien d’assistance judiciaire

Fire and Rescue Center in Cahors.

LOL – Trained by Handi’Chiens 

Retour sur la mission de Lol à Cahors, le premier chien d’assistance judiciaire



” Zampa Amica”

Domestic Violence Shelter Tuscany

Paddy – Trained by Dog4Life ONLUS



For a free consultation, Contact us today