It’s Almost Time!

Please join us for our annual conference!

Wednesday, Sept. 4th – Friday, Sept. 6th, 2024

Bellevue, WA


Early Registration check-in is from 4:00 – 6:00 PM on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 2024

Sample General Session Topics This Year:

  • A case study of the highly publicized 2018 Ronnie O’Neal case and the work that the facility dog provided over a three-year period.
  • The importance of self-care and the impact of chronic toxic stress on the state of our health.   Evidence-based practical tools that can be easily implemented in the workplace and at home will be taught and practiced
  • Learn about Assistance Dogs International and the standards that govern accredited service organizations
  • Internationally, the use of facility dogs in the criminal justice system has increased tremendously. Learn about the growth and work that is happening in other countries.

See complete conference program here.

You Asked and We Listened

We are bringing back the break-out sessions. The sessions will cover a wide range of topics that will provide you with lots of hands-on-information.

Sample break-out topics include:

  • Time for CAC, CASA, Law Enforcement, New Handlers
  • Canine first aid and Narcan training
  • Preparing your facility dog for the courtroom
  • Using your facility dog in building rapport with children
  • How to photograph your dog
  • Teaching hand signals to your dog
  • Ample opportunities to network and meet new people

Tuition and Registration

The $385 tuition includes two full days of engaging presentations, two delicious buffet lunches, and complimentary morning and afternoon coffee and tea.

A table for swapping courthouse dogs trading cards

Register Now

The International Courthouse Dogs® Conference is designed for Professionals Working in the Legal System:

  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Victim Advocates and Social Workers
  • Attorneys and Judges
  • Forensic Interviewers
  • Children’s Advocacy Center Staff Members
  • Treatment Court Providers and Probation Officers
  • CASA/GAL Staff and Volunteers
  • Staff Members from Accredited Assistance Dog Organizations



Please note: Information offered at this conference will be based on the best practices model of incorporating a certified facility dog (a graduate of an accredited assistance dog organization) handled by a working professional providing services in the legal system.

Courthouse Dogs Foundation does not recommend the inclusion of pet therapy dogs handled by volunteers or professionals working in this field due to legal and safety considerations as well as concerns that this could be stressful for an unqualified dog.

For a free consultation, Contact us today